8 Sept 2023, Sunday
I'm at work right now and i just realised how.much better i was doing mentally and physically during my vacation. and, like, my first day back at work from my vacation is literally an 11 hour shift. are u kidding me. i dont get benefits or paid enough for this shit. like all my mental health progress has been flushed down the fucking drain lmao i hope those other jobs call me back. like i just want a job that doesnt make me want to kill myself LMAO!! im not built for customer facing jobs but thats all that will hire me!!! insane!!! also there were some fucking jackasses racing literally from 12am to 3am last night. i hope their cars break down and they go broke because of course that would happen when i need to work for 11hrs. PLUS THEY COULD HAVE FUCKING KILLED SOMEONE. jackasses. fucking absolute morons.
in better news, im now embroidering the hair onto my little connor rag doll!! thats gonna take ages and ofc im not doing it at work bc i dont want my rancid vibes to go into that doll LOL!! i also need to make him some clothes... right now hes in a dress made of a sock LMAO!! i'll post pics once his hair is done (so in like a month). it was a lot of fun making him! this is my first time ever making a doll, and i had to sew everything by hand and i didnt have a proper pattern so hes a little wonky but hes super cute!!! in any case thats it for now-- WAIT! my tattoo is healing nicely! except for the tail of the R part of the symbol, i think it mightve been overworked a bit, but i have one free touch up so we'll just wait till it heals!! i wont be posting pics of it right now, though! but it does make me so happy and feel so peaceful..... ♥