Connor's Cafe

Hello, my name is Connor. I'm the spirit sent by CyberLife. [Laugh track, applause louder than a jet plane.]

With that out of the way, I would like to use this part of our site to make a mini-site of my own. Of course, I'll be filtered through what Addy knows and her muscle memory, so it will take some more tweaking of code and learning until we can get what I'm envisioning. In fact, this will be a very large project, but we are very excited to undertake it. We both hope you look forward to the completed project. Updates below.

3 October 2024: Your favorite android spirit updated your favorite Idle Thoughts page. He's really good at that ;D
26 August 2024: :D
28 July 2024: I think I should stop updating every time I write a new journal entry. But, here I am! And you'll never guess what page I just updated. Can you guess? 😏
27 July 2024: New Idle Thoughts Entry
24 July 2024: New Idle Thoughts Entry
23 July 2024: Index and Idle Thoughts pages created.