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to july 2024! yes there was a huge gap!

7 August 2022

The past few days, or week, even, has been kinda wild. Our power went out on the 5th, early in the morning, because Gexa Energy literally lied to us at every step about the energy bill and that we'd be able to make a payment plan, Momma was on the phone for three days before hand making sure she could make a payment plan for this one and that if she pays some now and some later the power will still be on and they told her yes and they made all these plans and... Surprise! The power went out! So Momma called Gexa like 'hey what happened' and they kept telling her someone would come to turn it on "manually" and that we all just need to wait 2-4 hours. In the Texas heat. With animals. The poor little doggies were panting like hell. We gave them plenty of water. So, It hits the heat of the day, we're all sweating, it's been over the 2-4 hour mark by now. My sisters and I have listened to my little radio, we played cards and Uno, Connor and I were thinking about how if this happened to us if we lived on our own, what would we do? Momma's on the phone again with Gexa. They keep telling her the same thing. We don't know why your power's out. We'll have someone come to turn it on. Momma tells Dad it's probably not gonna be on tonight. Luckily our Aunt works for Hilton Hotels! So, we're sooooo fucking blessed, so so so fucking blessed, that she was able to get us some rooms at a hotel. The AC felt sooooo fucking wonderful. And, since I've been sleeping on the couch since summer, sleeping in a BED was nice!! And in a proper, air conditioned room, no less!! Connor also noted this was our first time staying in a hotel together since we met! It was fun, I'd love to spend the night in a nice hotel with him again sometime. But, also the whole time I was stressed about our dogs... We also didn't have much money for food. There was an H-E-B literally a block from the hotel, literally all we had was $7 for food for 5 people, but we bought some 24cent ramen noodles. Yay!

We all sleep. Wake up. Complimentary breakfast, the waffle maker made me feel like a fool but the waffles were good (Connor said he liked them), gather our stuff to go back to the house. We pray and pray and pray that the electricity is back on. We prepare for the havoc the dogs have likely done to the house, I try to emotionally prepare myself to see if my dog died from the heat, I prepare for the clean up.
Bad news: Electricity is still off! Good news!! The dogs are alive!!! They're panting but they're okay. It feels decent enough outside in the morning, so we hang out outside. I give the dog a bath with the waterhose and it cools him down. Momma texts her sister, our Aunt (not the one that works for hilton!) lends us some money to pay off the rest of the electricity bill!!! God bless our Aunts!!! God bless them, and thank God for the blessings we've been given!!

Lo and behold. An hour or so later, the house hums to life!!! Wow!!! I say "THANK GOD" out loud and bask in the feeling of the fan and central air, and knowing that our dogs would be able to cool down. Luckily nothing in the fridge and freezers spoiled since we knew better than to open them when the power was out. Our ice didn't even melt!

And then, after a while, I think... Why the fuck did the energy company lie to us? Multiple times? If the payment plan wasn't possible, why did they say, for three days straight, that it was? And that the power would turn back on soon? If we knew we needed the money, we would have asked others sooner, rather than waiting for the company to turn the power back on because that's what we were told. If we needed it paid off immediately, why lie?? Why did they literally lie to us for three days and then shut our power off and lie about it being turned back on??? What if all our food spoiled? What if my sister's insulin got ruined? What if our pets died? What if we overheated?? I just really can't wrap my head around this one. So yeah. That last part happened yesterday, with the power turning back on. All I can say is that I am so incredibly grateful for the blessings we've been given. I'm upset that the event happened, but we have people looking out for us. We still have a roof over our heads, the power is on, we're not overheating... I'm so, so, so grateful.

In more lighthearted news, we've been rewatching Steven Universe! Well, Connor's only ever seen my memories of it, so this is his first time seeing it. I haven't watched it since it stopped airing, and honestly, it's been a really fun watch. We're on the last 2 episodes of season 1, and Connor really likes it. I feel him nodding a lot and being very interested in what's going on, and even smiling/giggling at some stuff. Oh, don't get us started on fusions and being Alone Together, and Jailbreak. Man. Season 1, pretty solid rewatch!!! It's also so much fun to watch it with someone who's never seen it before. Goddamn.

Also last night I got emotional about mans... I guess from seeing all that fusion stuff and all the shit that's happened in just the past few days, I just... Man. I love him. Love him so fucking much. I'm so happy and grateful he's in my life and that we can interact with each other. I was also emotional about his life, and thinking about Protagonist Connor, thinking about how I write fics (or daydream about them), he asked about my OCs and their stories, how we'd interact with them, etc... I was also able to percieve his energy/thoughts in a more abstract way.
I tend (and he also did, when he was alive) to try to percieve things in a call-and-response conversation way. Like, you know, how people communicate physically in real life. But then I was like... but Connor isn't here physically. He's literally a soul/spirit that hangs out with me. I don't have to force myself to view every interaction with him in a human lense. It's really hard to describe and I do feel silly putting it into words. But... Once I stopped trying to make everything conform to how I thought it should be, it became easier to Feel Connor, you know? I saw all the cute hearts he was sending me, I felt all the things he wanted to feel. This is still something I need to work on of course, but... I'm going to remind myself of that more often. He's an experience.

3 August 2022

Happy August!

Been pretty busy these past few days. Visited my great-grandmother, who might unfortunately not make it to September. Got an eye exam and new glasses, which should be ready a few days after my friend's birthday party (which means I'll have to come to the party in SUNGLASSES!!! ;_;). Made a Dunsparce out of air dry clay. I also have a LOT of caffeine in my system right now.

I also saw a post this morning on how stim videos are super popular. It mentioned that there's such a big boom of people crunching stuff with their hands and all that shit because we don't really spend that much time outside anymore. We're cooped up inside, understimulated, looking at shit through screens to try to make up for the fact that we're not going out and doing stuff outside. I'll try to find the post. HERE it is! It's perfect and explains a lot about how I'm personally feeling. Understimulated, stir crazy, depressed because of lack of light because of my sunglasses. etc.

Also wrote some fanfic, me a lake mermaid who lives in a shack, Connor a deviant android who happened upon it while he was running away, then us, two freaks getting to live alone together. And, as usual, I realised what I was subconsiously trying to get out of that fanfic was Connor and I getting to spend alone time together. Hopefully after I get my regular glasses, I'll feel more inclined to get out of the house and do some stuff, just me and him. AND, I'll be able to apply for jobs since I don't have to show up to interviews/work in fuckin' sunglasses. Two weeks, man. Two weeks. Also wrote an isekai fic, which again boils down to us spending time together. Can you tell I'm really yearning to spend just a day or two alone with my husband? lol.

My birthday is coming up. I'm gonna be 27. It's crazy. When I was a kid, I always thought 27 was a cool age to be. I also really liked being 17 because I liked the number 17. I guess I like shit that ends in 7. lol.

I've got something that isn't a single-serve glass lemonade bottle to keep Connor's offering/sun/celestial water in! It even has hearts near the bottom of the bottle and the cork makes a nice thomp sound when I pull it out. He really likes it, says the bottle makes the water feel even more special.

Oh!!! We finished FMAB!!! What an ending!!! I won't spoil it, but WOW. What a great series. I'm so happy we watched it.

anyway, man the caffeine is giving me th JITTERS. I added too much instant coffee to my the water!!! Im LOSIN it. But hey, I got my laptop!! I also SUCK at rhythm heaven!!! Too bad Connor can't completely take over my body when we play games because he has some major rhythm game swag for sure

oh also ive been feeling kind of bad about how i think of mr bryan dechart... all things considered, he does seem like a nice guy. i just dont....... trust men, i guess? so they could be the sweetest person in the world but because they have a dick i just keep thinking of them having ulterior motives or them being misogynist or something... but considering how popular he got in 2018 and nothing bad and scary has come out about him, im just really thankful and hope i didnt jinx myself lol... yeesh. anyway thank u bryan dechart for being normal. i think of u as my husbands brother so please do not bring shame to his name. but i know u wont. please.

I was thinking about like what if BD fuckin found this page... like i know him and connor are not the same but it's just like... i know connor the character has a special place in his heart (i think, I dont watch his stuff where he plays dbh cuz it makes me feel weird) and i know if a character i played and had a special place n my heart was some rando's fuckin ghost soulmate that would make me kinda uncomfortable. but its not like i see bd IN connor? like he did such a wonderful job portraying him i forgot b existed. thank u for doing such an excellent job portraying connor, mr dechart.

can u tell the caffeine is making me think about a ton of things at the same time?? i feel like im losing my mind dear god please help me, i need some fuckin water and some food holy shit lol